Trust Info
ATF Forms
There are several official ATF forms that are relevant to trust owners. Each one contains the instructions for completing it. Follow the links below to download each form that you...
ATF Forms
There are several official ATF forms that are relevant to trust owners. Each one contains the instructions for completing it. Follow the links below to download each form that you...
Trust package questions
The following are some common questions that customers have about the Wildcat Trust brand NFA trust package. If your question is not answered here, feel free to e-mail us at
Trust package questions
The following are some common questions that customers have about the Wildcat Trust brand NFA trust package. If your question is not answered here, feel free to e-mail us at
Frequently Asked Questions
National Firearms Act (NFA) trusts have become a very popular way for people to own and use NFA firearms. If you’re new to the idea of NFA trusts, or NFA...
Frequently Asked Questions
National Firearms Act (NFA) trusts have become a very popular way for people to own and use NFA firearms. If you’re new to the idea of NFA trusts, or NFA...
Restating a generic trust
Many people have made the mistake of using a generic do-it-yourself trust to own NFA firearms. Lots of forums have generic trusts circulating around that people have used to buy...
Restating a generic trust
Many people have made the mistake of using a generic do-it-yourself trust to own NFA firearms. Lots of forums have generic trusts circulating around that people have used to buy...
National Firearms Act basics
If you’re looking for an NFA trust, you are probably pretty familiar with the National Firearms Act and what firearms it covers. However, for many people who are just getting...
National Firearms Act basics
If you’re looking for an NFA trust, you are probably pretty familiar with the National Firearms Act and what firearms it covers. However, for many people who are just getting...
After your tax stamp is approved
Waiting for your first tax stamp to be approved is an exciting, and sometimes frustrating, time. When your tax stamp is finally approved, you may be wondering: what now? The...
After your tax stamp is approved
Waiting for your first tax stamp to be approved is an exciting, and sometimes frustrating, time. When your tax stamp is finally approved, you may be wondering: what now? The...